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Preschool Teacher and Students

What is School Readiness?

The School Readiness Preschool Program provides affordable, high-quality early care and education services in high-need communities that help young children prepare for kindergarten.  The program funds spaces for children ages 3, 4, and 5 who aren’t yet eligible for kindergarten. At least 60 percent of the children enrolled must be at or below 75 percent of the State Median Income.

The School Readiness Preschool Program benefits individual children, their families, and their communities.  Middletown is very fortunate to qualify for this grant and makes every effort to assist parents/guardians in securing care for their preschool aged children.


Programs funded by this grant are NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) accredited and promise high quality and age appropriate early education experiences for all children. Preschool and childcare programs offer part-day or full day care and are open during the school year and/or year round. Children are safely cared for and gain social/emotional and Kindergarten ready skills in our programs.


School Readiness offers parents financial support for their children's care and early education. The School Readiness facilitator will assist parents in finding a preschool and/or childcare program that best suits their children. Children are eligible for a space at age 2 years and 8 months.

School Readiness Programs

Bright & Early Learning Center

861 Middle Street, Middletown, CT

Contact: Kaitlyn Amadio

Phone: 860.635.0544


Availability: 6 Preschool Classrooms

South Farms Nursery School

261 Ridge Road, Middletown, CT

Contact: Annette DiMauro

Phone: 860.344.1179


Availability: 1 Preschool Classroom (18 students)

YMCA Phelps Ingersoll
for Children

99 Union Street, Middletown, CT

Contact:  Karyn Hurlbert

Phone: 860.343.6227


Availability: 3 Preschool Classrooms 

Middletown Public Schools Preschool

BOE Preschool at Snow, Spencer & Bielefield

Contact: Jen Larson
Phone: 860.347.2579 ext 1116


Availability: 4 Half Day Classrooms  at Snow

1 School Day at Snow, Bielefield and Spencer

Town & Country Early
Learning Center

195 South Main Street, Middletown, CT

Contact: Cheryl Swett

Phone: 860.347.1400 


Availability: 8 Preschool Classrooms

YMCA Phelps Ingersoll
for Children

Macdonough School

61 Spring Street, Middletown, CT

Contact: Karyn Hurlbert

Phone: 860.343.6227


Availability: 1 Preschool Classroom (16 children)

School Readiness Council

Each CT city/town has a School Readiness Council (SRC) that’s responsible for making recommendations about the School Readiness grant program. The SRC is jointly appointed and convened by the Mayor, for example) and the Superintendent of schools.

SRC Members Include:

  • The chief elected official or designee

  • The superintendent of schools

  • Parents and other community members

  • Representatives from a range of programs that provide early education and child care

  • Representatives from the community who provide services to children and their families — like librarians and healthcare providers  

  • See our list of members for more information about who serves on the Middletown School Readiness Council

Kids' Paintings

School Readiness Resources

Middletown Early Childhood

425 Hunting Hill Ave. Middletown, CT 06457

Community Partners

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