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Parents and Families: YOU are your child’s first and most important teacher! Are you curious about the things your child does and whether other children their age are also doing those things? The Ages and Stages Questionaire (ASQ), is a way for you to keep track as your child leans how to do new things! The ASQ asks you to do fun activities (games) with your child, different activities for different ages. When you send in the answers, a staff person from Help Me Grow will send you back your results and information about where your child is compared to other children their age. Sometimes they will offer you activities to do with your child and sometimes they will offer you referrals for extra support, like Birth to Three. You are in charge of your child’s information. You know your child best, if you think they might need some extra help, the ASQ can help you get that help. If you want help answering the questions or want to talk about the questions, we are here for you!!  Contact us today!


Get started for free:  There are 3 ways families can get the ASQ for free in Connecticut. You can sign up with CT 2-1-1 infoline to have a paper copy of the ASQ sent to you in the mail, you can use the CT ASQ website or you can download the Sparkler App

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