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About Us

Middletown has many Early Childhood partners working together to make our community a place where families and children can thrive.


Middletown’s Early Childhood Collaborative/School Readiness Council includes members across various agencies and parents, who come together to make decisions that impact all areas of early childhood.  Community partners participate in collaborative groups to address the three areas highlighted on our website, Health & Child Development, Preparing For School and Community Resources.


We take a big picture approach while also trying to address individual needs. That means we focus on systems, asking big questions like how can each child care setting create nurturing and healthy spaces for children and adults?

Need Childcare?

In Middletown there are many different child care providers. We are sure there is one that is right for your family! There are Family/Home-based child care providers, Child Care Centers, Head Start and Public School classrooms. Many child care providers accept Care 4 Kids and there are 4 center-based programs and the public schools that participate in the state funded School Readiness Program.  We are happy to help families ask questions and find a child care program that works for you.

We also want to ensure that partners are communicating across sectors so families, child care teachers and service providers are all “on the same page.” And, we also consider services and supports, to ensure that when families identify a need, they have access to the services and supports that work for them. 

Box of Crayons

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Middletown Parents of Preschoolers

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The mission of The Basics is to bolster brain development for social, emotional, and cognitive skill building among children from birth to age 3 as a sturdy foundation for school readiness across whole communities. 

Parents and families:  YOU are your child’s first and most important teacher! Did you know that many of the things you do with your baby help their brain grow and learn? Just by talking, reading and playing games together, you are making them smarter. The Basics activities show many of the ways you are teaching them everyday. How many of these do you already know? How can you easily make the most of the moments you have with your child?

Bridge to Brilliance

Take advantage of our FREE app for 3 & 4 year old Middletown residents!  Play 15 minutes a day and improve readiness for Kindergarten!  Register your child today! 

Have Questions: 
Contact Dawn Dubay - 860-346-7354  
School Readiness Coordinator 


Special Thanks to the Fund For Greater Hartford & Middletown Public Schools

Community Resources

Middletown offers a variety of resources to support you on your parenting journey.  We understand and believe that it takes a village to ensure all children are ready for school and life!  Find information that can benefit your family.

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